B+ Tree in Key-Value storeThis article will cover the topic of B+ trees, their advantages over binary trees, and why they are commonly used in modern key-value…May 3, 20231May 3, 20231
Transaction Management with Dependent APIsHow to manage the transaction with dependent APIs?Apr 9, 2022Apr 9, 2022
What brings our Kafka Cluster Down?Learning from recent incident of Kafka Cluster failure. Important Kafka configuration that helps in speedy recoveryNov 12, 20211Nov 12, 20211
Achieve Resiliency using KafkaIn a distributed applications, it's critical to build a fault-tolerant systemAug 26, 2021Aug 26, 2021
Test Doubles:In test-driven development, it's always a requirement to mimic actual behaviour — objects which are not real but behave like it. That's…Jan 7, 2021Jan 7, 2021
Spring HATEOAS Part 2Spring HATEOAS ships with varites of base representation modelsJul 14, 2020Jul 14, 2020
Spring HATEOAS Part 1Spring HATEOAS is library project which can be used to create REST representation that follows HATEOS principleMay 13, 2020May 13, 2020
Mockito understanding and important keywordsMockito comes with different annotation, out of them most used are below with their usageApr 11, 2020Apr 11, 2020